COLUMBIA MANUAL DESK ---- COLUMBIA_INFO Info box giving author and revision information Click OK to quit DISK ---- BYTES FREE Disk space left on work disk (disk set under workdisk) WORKDISK Sets up drive for all files. Enter the desired drive letter A to P and click on OK IMAGE SAVE Select the image 1 to 3 that you want to save and then fill in the file selector with the desired file name. Click on OK to save, CANCEL to quit. Saved as .CLI file. IMAGE LOAD Select image 1 to 3 to load image into and the image format COLUMBIA, DEGAS or DOODLE. Fill in the file selector with the image to load. Click on OK to save, CANCEL to quit. DELETE Select file to delete in the file selector. Confirm the delete "ARE YOU SURE ?" BLOCK SAVE You must first have defined a block before you can save it. If defined type the file name in the file selector and click on OK. Saved as .BLK file. BLOCK LOAD Remember that loading a block from disk will overwrite the existing block. Enter the block name in the file selector. Click on OK to save, CANCEL to quit. NOTE this takes a few moments !! RENAME Renames a file on the work disk. You are asked for the OLD NAME and then the NEW NAME. OUIT Quit Columbia. Tells you that all work will be lost and gives you the chance to CANCEL or QUIT. FUNCTION -------- All these functions are selected from the menu with the left mouse button. You are then returned to the drawing screen with cross hairs marking your position. The function will repeat until you return to the main menu. The right mouse button will quit the function and bring back the menu bar for your next selection. POINT Each click of the left mouse button places a single point on the drawing. Use for construction points or very fine edits. LINE Set the start point of the line with the left mouse button. Hold the left mouse button down drag the line to the desired end point and release the left mouse button. POLYGON LINE Click the left mouse button at the start of the line, each subsequent click will join a line to the previous point. BOX Click the left mouse button at the start point of the box. Hold the left mouse button down, drag the opposite corner to the desired position and release the left mouse button. Note this draws a clear box. FILLED BOX As BOX but the box is filled with the selected FILLER pattern from the DRAW MODE menu. RAYS Click the left mouse button on the centre point. Each subsequent click will join a line to the centre point defined. You can hold the left mouse button down and drag it around, this will join multiple lines back to the centre point. CIR. Click the left mouse button on the centre point of the circle. Hold the left mouse button down, drag the outer edge of the circle to the desired point and release the left mouse button. FILLED CIRCLE As CIRCLE but the circle is filled with the selected FILLER pattern from the DRAW MODE menu. ELLIPSE As CIRCLE but draws an ellipse. FILLED ELLIPSE As FILLED CIRCLE but fills an ellipse. FREEHAND Click and hold left mouse button. This will follow the mouse drawing a freehand line. Release the button to end the line. FINE RAY This is used in the same way as RAY but the left mouse button is held down, this gives a finer ray as the mouse is moved. BITFILL This fills the enclosed area clicked on with the left mouse button with the selected FILLER pattern from the DRAW MODE. SQUARE This is the same as box but draws a square using the horizontal axis as the sides. DRAW MODE --------- LINE TYPE Select line type with the left mouse button. The selected line is shown in the TYPICAL LINE box. You can also define the start and end of the line to be NORMAL Square end ARROW Arrow head end RUND Rounded end The line width can also be set in number of pixels. These parameters are used fro all sbusequent lines drawn. Click on OK end. FILLER Selects the filler pattern from the default set by clicking the desired pattern with the left mouse button. OK ends the selection. LOAD / SAVE will load a pattern definition from disk or save a user defined pattern to disk (you must have defined one before you can save it !!). Patterns are saved as .MUS USER DEFINE takes you to a pixel edit window where you can define a pattern, the left mouse button sets pixels and the right mouse button clears them. Select MAIN MENU when finished. The pattern is repeated in the SELECTED PATTERN box. CLEAR clears the selected pattern. TEXT Allows selection of text parameters with the left mouse button. The selection is indicated by the arrows. TEXT STYLE -: NORMAL, THICK, LIGHT, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, OUTLINE TEXT ANGLE -: 0, 90, 180, 270 HEIGHT -: ICON_SIZE small BLOCK square text NORMAL s/w loaded font LARGE large OK select this when setup finished. You will then be asked to enter text. Do this and press CR. You will then be asked to position text, drag the text to the desired position and click the left mouse button, you can keep clicking for multiple copies. BLOCK A. Cutout a block. Select this option and hold the left mouse button down, drag a box over the image area to make into a block. B. Paste a block. Select this option and position the bolck on the image, click the left mouse button to fix. C. Block Parameters. This sets up the action of the block paste function. It determines the effect of the block cutout and the background image. e.g. C only = cutout overwrites the background, B only does nothing (leaves background alone). CORNER Selects the corner type for box draw operations. RUND = rounded corners. SQU = square corners (default). COLOR Selects drawing colour. BLACK or WHITE. EXTRAS1 ------- IMAGE 1,2,3 Selects the work image. IMAGE CLEAR Clears the current work image, click on OK to confirm. LOAD & GO Allows you to run another program and then return to Columbia. Firstly it shows the amount of free memory that can be allocated to another program. It then asks you to allocate how much memory you require in K bytes. Note that you must allocate enough memory for the program and its storage, if not it will not run and you will just be sent back to Columbia. It will then ask for the name of the program you want to run. Enter this and the selected program will run returning to Columbia where you left it when it terminates. COORDINATES Selects x,y pixel coordinate display ON/OFF. DRUM Selects an area of image to wrap around a drum. Firstly define the sides of the drum by pressing the left mouse button and dragging it out to the box size required. Then select the top of the drum by moving the mouse and fixing with a mouse click. Then select the area of the wrapped image to paste back, and the image to paste into. DISTORT Allows an area to be zig-zag distorted. Select area to twist by pressing the left mouse button and drag it out to the required area. The selected area is then displayed. If the left mouse button is then clicked around the image area different zig-zag distortions will be set up. When finished click the right mouse button to finish. Then select the area of the distorted image to paste back by pressing and dragging the left mouse button over the desired area. Select the image to paste into and then click the left mouse button to fix. CUT Define area or block to use. Press the left mouse button and drag it over the desired area. Then select the image to paste this block into. Position the block and click the left mouse button to fix. TRIANGLE Draws a triangle shape in the image. Select a filled or blank triangle. A filled triangle will use the pattern defined in PATTERN. Press the left mouse button and drag to draw the base of the triangle. Select Apex up or down. PYRAMID Draws a pyramid shape in the image. Press the left mouse button and drag to draw the base of the pyramid. Click the left mouse button to fix the apex. PARALELLOGRAM Select a filled or blank. A filled shape will use the pattern defined in PATTERN. Press the left mouse button and drag to draw the base. Fix the lower line with a left mouse click. ROTATE BOX Allows you to draw a rotated box. This is drawn as a for FILLED BOX except that you are asked to define the rotation by moving the mouse, fix with a left mouse click. PIE Draws a section of a pie chart. Select a filled or blank. A filled shape will use the pattern defined in PATTERN. Select the centre of the pie chart. Select the outer edge of the pie chart. Select the start of the segment. Select the end of the segment. UNDO Un-does the anything done in the last drawing function. EXTRAS2 ------- AIR_BRUSH Produces a fine random pixel spray when the left mouse button is held down an the mouse moved. ERASER Selects an area to erase, simply define a drag box with the left mouse button and all of the image contained in that area is deleted. ZOOM Zooms up the previously defined block to a pixel edit screen. The left mouse button sets pixels and the right mouse button clears pixels. Click on the MAIN MENU area to finish. PRINTER A. Selects ALL of the current image to output to the printer. B. Selects part of the current image to output. Select the required area by dragging with the left mouse. Position the area on the blank background, this will then be printed. EFFECT This draws a vertical line on the image when the left mouse is clicked. The image is inverted along this line. FOLDER A. Create new FOLDER on work drive. Select this then enter new folder name. B. Delete EMPTY folder on work drive. Select this then enter folder name to delete. CREDITS A few words about who wrote and translated the program. MIRROR Mirror image in x or y axis. Select x or y axis mirror. Select area to mirror by dragging the left mouse button. This area is then mirrored in the x or y axis as selected. TWIST BLOCK Select area to be rotated by dragging the left mouse button. Select rotation by 45 degrees left or right or a signpost effect (select left or right for the point of the signpost). Cut out the area to paste back into the image with the left mouse button and the image to paste it to. Position the cutout and fix with a left mouse click. ENLARGE Enlarges a selected area by x1, x2, x3 etc. Select the area to enlarge by dragging with the left mouse button. Then enter the pixel replication factor, 2 gives x2 and so on. Cutout the required area to paste back into the image. CUBE Draws a 3D cube. Draw a box as in BOX and this is then converted into a 3D view. CIR_ARC Draws a circular arc. Specify start point in degrees x 10 from the 3 o'clock position anticlockwise, press CR. Specify end point in degrees x 10 from the 3 o'clock position anticlockwise, press CR. Mark mid point will leave a dot at the centre of the circle. Position cursor at centre of circle, press the left mouse button and drag the cursor form the radius of the arc. Release the left mouse button to fix. ELIP_ARC As CIR_ARC except it will draw an eliptical arc. POLYGON Draws a closed polygon. Select a filled or blank. A filled shape will use the pattern defined in PATTERN. Click the left mouse button on each point, when finished click the right mouse button, this will then join all the points up. ICONS Enables you to put GEM icons into the drawing. Select the required icon -: FILE DISK TRASH FOLDER PRG Select the image to paste into and fix the icon with a left mouse click. WINDOW Enables you to put GEM windows into the drawing. Define a window by dragging with the left mouse. If you want text in the patterned top field select this option and enter your text terminated with a CR. If you want text in the info field select this option and type in your text terminated with a CR. MODES ----- REPLACE All drawing replaces the background. TRANSPARENT All drawing is see through to the background. XOR The drawing is XORed with the background. REVERSE TRANSPARENT As transparent but with an inverse image.